Substance misuse brief interventions during psychiatric hospital admissions

Hermine L. Graham, Emma Griffith, Alex Copello, Max Birchwood

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Purpose: There are greater financial costs and negative impact on functioning associated with psychiatric admissions for people who experience co-occurring severe mental heath and substance misuse problems. In addition, their engagement in treatment is often problematic.
Methodology: A brief integrated motivational intervention (BIMI) is described that was developed and pilotted in a randomised controlled trial to assess whether If given the opportunity to speak about their use of alcohol and/or drugs whilst on the ward, inpatients may be more “cognitively open” to think about their use and the impact it has on their mental health.
Intervention: The BIMI is delivered in short burst of 15-30 mins over a two-week period and adopts a simple 3-step approach that can be delivered by routine ward staff. It incorporates: an assessment of substance use, mental health and motivation with personalised feedback; increasing awareness of the impact on mental health and facilitates the development of goals and a change plan.
Findings: The intervention has been shown to lead to higher levels of engagement in clients’ exploration of alcohol and drug use and impacts on mental health. Findings suggest that both staff and inpatients found the intervention feasible and acceptable.
Originality: Routine ward staff were trained to deliver a brief intervention to inpatients during an acute hospital admission.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)66-73
Number of pages8
JournalAdvances in Dual Diagnosis
Issue number2/3
Publication statusPublished - 15 Aug 2016


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