Subsidence in impaction grafting: the effect of adding a ceramic bone graft extender to bone

A W Blom, B Grimm, A W Miles, J L Cunningham, I D Learmonth

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The incidence of revision total hip arthroplasty is increasing dramatically and the associated demand for allograft bone is likely to exceed the available supply. In addition, allograft presents potential problems with regard to infection, antigenicity, availability, reproducibility and cost. It is therefore desirable to develop an alternative to allograft. This study investigated BoneSave, a porous tricalcium phosphate-hydroxyapatite ceramic for use in impaction grafting of the femur at revision total hip arthroplasty. The findings of an in vitro mechanical study comparing the initial stability of pure allograft, a volume mixture of 50 per cent allograft and 50 per cent BoneSave, and a volume mixture of 10 per cent allograft and 90 per cent BoneSave are reported. The BoneSave-allograft mixtures exhibit both much greater mechanical stability and reproducibility than the pure allograft (p < 0.05) at all tested loads (200-800 N). At high peak loads the high volume (90%, v/v) BoneSave mix also provided higher mechanical stability than the medium volume (50 per cent BoneSave-50 per cent allograft) mix (p < 0.05). These results demonstrate thatfrom a mechanical standpoint the tested ceramic provides adequate initial stability to be used as a bone graft extender with allograft in impaction grafting of the femur.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)265-270
Number of pages6
JournalProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H - Journal of Engineering in Medicine
Issue numberH4
Publication statusPublished - 2002


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