Study of genetic diversity among inter-intraspesific hybrids and original grapevine varieties using AFLP molecular markers

Andreas Theocharis, Paul Hand, J Pole, Volkan Cevik, Ioannis Fisarakis, Janey Henderson

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13 Citations (SciVal)


Several grapevine varieties are grown in vineyards worldwide including interspecific (Vitis vinifera × Vitis spp), intraspecific (V. viniferaL. × V. vinifera L.) and inter×intraspecific (interspecific×intraspecific) hybrids with unknown origin, ambiguous naming and genetic identity. In this study, the genetic relations among eighteen grapevine hybrids and original varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) which have mostly been described by ampelography data were analysed using AFLP (Amplified Fragments Length Polymorphism) molecular marker technology. AFLP polymorphic fragments generated by a combination of restriction digestion and PCR amplifications were assessed for analysis of the polymorphisms among accessions. Polymorphic bands were scored and genetic similarity (GS) was calculated by Dice coefficient. Cluster analysis and principle coordinate analyses (PCO) of the results addressed the genetic distance among inter-intraspecific hybrids and original grapevine varieties; detected the level of genetic similarity between varieties and specific mutant or clone; assessed the genetic relations among varieties involved in the same pedigree; recognized same genotypes under different names (synonymes) and proposed the genetic identity for an unknown, in ampelography data variety cultivated in UK vineyards
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-8
JournalAustralian Journal of Crop Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2010


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