
There is growing empirical evidence that animal movement patterns depend on population density. We investigate travelling wave solutions in reaction-diffusion models of animal range expansion in the case that population diffusion is density-dependent. We find that the speed of the selected wave depends critically on the strength of diffusion at low density. For sufficiently large low-density diffusion, the wave propagates at a speed predicted by a simple linear analysis. For small or zero low-density diffusion, the linear analysis is not sufficient, but a variational approach yields exact or approximate expressions for the speed and shape of population fronts.
Original languageEnglish
Article number147
JournalBulletin of Mathematical Biology
Publication statusPublished - 9 Nov 2024

Data Availability Statement

This manuscript has no associated data.


The authors would like to thank Darren Croft and Safi Darden (University of Exeter) for helpful discussions.


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