Some reflections on the relevance of mammismo in the Italian diaspora in Wellington

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Using 50 interviews collected in 2013, the article contends that, contrary to the homeland, mammismo is not a phenomenon to be found among the Italian community of Island Bay in Wellington, New Zealand. Although the Italian family structure still informs the values and practices of this Italian community, mother-son relationships do not override other family bonds. Some hypotheses are put forward to explain why this is the case.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)152-155
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 13 Jul 2015
Event'The Stereotype Abroad: Mammismo in the Italian Diaspora': Worlshop 4 of AHRC Network ‘La Mamma: Interrogating a National Stereotype’ - Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, UK United Kingdom
Duration: 17 May 201417 Jul 2015

Bibliographical note

This piece is a section of a joint article entitled ‘Forum: Mothers and mammismo in the Italian diaspora’, edited by Penelope Morris and Perry Willson (pp. 143-161).


  • mammismo
  • Italian community in Wellington


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