Social Networking Tools for the DCC

Alexander Ball, Angus Whyte, Martin Donnelly

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

    483 Downloads (Pure)


    The DCC is considering how it can engage more fully with its target communities using social media. Encouraged by the experience of other organisations in this area, the DCC has conducted surveys both internally and externally to gauge where its efforts could be most usefully directed. It has also reviewed social media services and tools in 10 different categories. On the basis of these activities, the DCC has put forward a proposed social networking strategy that specifies the DCC's target communities, aims, outcomes and objectives, and recommended platforms and tools; it also suggests an intellectual property policy, operating processes and points for further consideration and action.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherDigital Curation Centre
    Publication statusUnpublished - 24 Jun 2010

    Bibliographical note

    ID number: Deliverable CD 3.1


    • wikis
    • forums
    • social media
    • collaborative writing
    • social bookmarking
    • blogging
    • social networking
    • microblogging


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