Slowing the Social Sciences of Sport: Digitality, Pedagogy and the Neoliberal Learning Context

Jessica Francombe-Webb, Michael Silk, Simone Fullagar, Emma Rich

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Increasingly our scholarship and our teaching are being impacted by the rampant logics of the neoliberal market and there is a fine line developing between business- and pedagogical- models for teaching. This has led to a complex context for curricular development as we see that the business model implicitly and explicitly privileges a centrally controlled, efficiency oriented, rationally predictable, empirically calculable mode of knowledge generation. This capitalist underpinning takes precedence over concerns for human needs, civic, moral responsibility and critique. It is within this conjuncture that we are encouraged—and indeed expected—to innovate our curricular in order to ‘service’ the educational market and so lecturers are now tussling with the challenges and creative opportunities that this affords. Within this presentation I will not only unpack the everyday realities of this neoliberal context for teaching and learning, I will also explore the ways that I, and my colleagues at the University of Bath, have attempted to offer a slow approach to the study of the social sciences of sport through the use of digital technologies and virtual learning environments. I will mobilise the example of the ‘Flipped’ classroom in order to articulate the way that teaching and learning can be reconceptualised in order to open up the critical potentialities of the field and ensure that the classroom is a space for vibrancy, innovation and debate. Flipping offers opportunities for immersive educative experiences as well as diverse modes of learning and I will provide practical examples of the teaching/learning strategies that were deployed during an Advanced Seminar in Sport, Health and the Social Sciences and interrogate the embodied positionality of the teacher and students.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2014
EventNorth American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference - USA, Portland, OR, UK United Kingdom
Duration: 4 Nov 2014 → …


ConferenceNorth American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference
Country/TerritoryUK United Kingdom
CityPortland, OR
Period4/11/14 → …


  • Sociology of Sport
  • Pedagogy
  • Technology


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