Sliding with a constant Q

Russell Bradford, John ffitch, Richard Dobson

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter in a published conference proceeding

4 Citations (SciVal)
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The linear frequency (constant-bandwidth) scale of the FFT has long been recognised as a disadvantage for audio processing. Long analysis windows are required for adequate low-frequency resolution, while small windows offer lower latency, better handling of transients, and reduced computation cost. A constant-$Q$ form of analysis offers the possibility of increased low-frequency resolution for a given window size, this resolution being essential for many fundamental processing tasks such as pitch shifting. We consider the application of the Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform to a Constant-$Q$ analysis. The increased flexibility of sliding allows for a variety of data alignments, and we produce the mathematical formulation of these. Windowing in the frequency domain introduces further complications. Finally we consider the implementation of the analysis on both serial and parallel computers.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication11th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-08) Proceedings September 1-4th, 2008 Espoo, Finland
Place of PublicationEspoo, Finland
Number of pages7
ISBN (Print)9789512295173
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2008
EventProc. of the Int. Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-08) -
Duration: 1 Sept 2008 → …


ConferenceProc. of the Int. Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-08)
Period1/09/08 → …


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