Sales promotion strategies and belief in luck

Gerard P. Prendergast, Edmund R. Thompson

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The effect of buyer belief in good luck on the propensity to select a sales promotion strategy involving a lucky draw (e.g., sweepstakes) is investigated using a sample of 699 individuals in Hong Kong. Using subscales from Darke and Freedman's (1997b) Belief in Good Luck Scale, it is found that a belief in being personally lucky is associated with selecting a lucky draw over other sales promotions options, but that a general belief in the phenomenon of luck is not. Moreover, it is found that perceived utility of the lucky-draw prize is consistently associated with the option to select a lucky draw over other sales promotion strategies.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1043-1062
Number of pages20
JournalPsychology and Marketing
Issue number11
Early online date19 Oct 2008
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2008

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