Robust long-read native DNA sequencing using the ONT CsgG Nanopore system

Jean-Michel Carter, Shobbir Hussain

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41 Citations (SciVal)


Background: The ability to obtain long read lengths during DNA sequencing has several potentially important practical applications. Especially long read lengths have been reported using the Nanopore sequencing method, currently commercially available from Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT). However, early reports have demonstrated only limited levels of combined throughput and sequence accuracy. Recently, ONT released a new CsgG pore sequencing system as well as a 250b/s translocation chemistry with potential for improvements.

Methods: We made use of such components on ONTs miniature ‘MinION’ device and sequenced native genomic DNA obtained from the near haploid cancer cell line HAP1. Analysis of our data was performed utilising recently described computational tools tailored for nanopore/long-read sequencing outputs, and here we present our key findings.

Results: From a single sequencing run, we obtained ~240,000 high-quality mapped reads, comprising a total of ~2.3 billion bases. A mean read length of 9.6kb and an N50 of ~17kb was achieved, while sequences mapped to reference with a mean identity of 85%. Notably, we obtained ~68X coverage of the mitochondrial genome and were able to achieve a mean consensus identity of 99.8% for sequenced mtDNA reads.

Conclusions: With improved sequencing chemistries already released and higher-throughput instruments in the pipeline, this early study suggests that ONT CsgG-based sequencing may be a useful option for potential practical long-read applications.
Original languageEnglish
Article number23
JournalWellcome Open Research
Early online date6 Apr 2017
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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