River is the Venue (RiV): Evaluation of the Public Engagement Project, Involving Artists, Educational and Arts Agencies Working Collaboratively to Educate the Public on The History of Flooding in Bath Through Accessible Public Artworks

Simon Hayhoe

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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A public engagement project using accessible public artworks to educate people in Bath about the history and dangers of flooding in the city. The artworks were commissioned specifically with accessibility and inclusion of under-represented members of the community in mind, particularly those with disabilities. The project was designed, developed and evaluated using grounded methodology and was part of the development of a model of inclusive capital. It was hypothesized that: The artworks could be developed according to the five stages of inclusive capital in order to promote education and access. It is found that the artists planned their artworks carefully, although in all but one case could have done more to test their artworks with people with access needs before exhibiting them.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBath
PublisherUniversity of Bath
Number of pages28
Publication statusPublished - 15 Feb 2019


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