Review and Comparison of Conceptual Frameworks on Digital Business Transformation

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This paper applies an academic approach in assessing various conceptual and theoretical frameworks considered relevant to the subject of digital business transformation and that contribute to increasing the general understanding of the subject. A review and comparison of several conceptual and theoretical frameworks that were identified to be relevant to the subject of digital business transformation was conducted with the aim of assessing their suitability and robustness in addressing the subject, which is gaining prominence as a pathway for achieving and maintaining competitiveness for businesses as digital technologies continue to shape and transform the business landscape. The background information required for the comparison of the frameworks was obtained after a comprehensive review of each of the frameworks, and based on the insights obtained following the review, their relevance and applicability to the subject of digital business transformation was determined. A qualitative approach was adopted in conducting desk research using reputable business and scientific data sources. The output of the literature search was narrowed down by applying elimination parameters that ensured only relevant articles and journals were included in the final comparison of literatures that contained relevant conceptual and theoretical frameworks. The research established that there is a lack of alignment between industry-based research and academic-based research on the subject of digital business transformation. The research findings and agenda of the study have important implications for organisational transformation as it relates to digital technologies and their transformative effects on industry segments and organisational structures through digitalisation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)86-100
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Competitiveness
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 31 Dec 2018


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