An energy dissipation device for dissipating unwanted energy associated with a shock or impact force is provided. The device comprises a block (2) of relatively rigid material, a passageway in the block (2), the passageway having an angled portion of substantially constant cross-sectional shape and area, a plug (5) of relatively deformable material in the passageway and an impact receptor (6) of relatively rigid material. The arrangement is such that, when a force is applied to the impact receptor (6), the impact receptor moves at least partially into the passageway and impacts upon the plug (5) to cause the plug to be driven around the angled portion of the passageway. The passageway in the block (2) may alternatively have the form of a cavity. A method of dissipating energy is also provided comprising providing a block (2) of relatively rigid resilient material containing a passageway, the passageway having an angled portion and driving a plug (5) of relatively deformable material around the angled portion of the passageway.
Original language | English |
Patent number | WO2004044450 (A1) |
IPC | F16F7/12 |
Priority date | 14/11/02 |
Filing date | 10/11/03 |
Publication status | Published - 27 May 2004 |