Researching teacher associations

Richard Smith, Kuchah Kuchah

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Here we argue not only for more research into English language teacher associations (TAs) but also for research to be carried out by and within TAs. That is, we advocate their becoming ‘Researching TAs’ themselves. This suggestion derives from our recent collaborative work with/within CAMELTA (the Cameroon English Language and Literature Teachers’ Association). In this context we have initiated and helped to facilitate the development of what we term – by analogy with ‘teacher-research’ – ‘TA-research’: systematic inquiry which is based on members’ priorities and officially endorsed by a TA, and which engages members as active participants in what they see as a collective project. This initiative offers promising signs that a TA can become a ‘researching association’ in the service of its members’ needs. In the CAMELTA case, valuable local knowledge is being uncovered and shared, helping members become less dependent on outsider expertise: in a word, more empowered.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)212-221
Number of pages10
JournalELT Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2016


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