Research on new applications for granulated rubber in concrete

Kevin A Paine, R K Dhir

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This study was undertaken to assess the feasibility of using granulated rubber as an aggregate or filler in concrete construction, by exploiting the inherent stability, impact, crack and thermal resistance characteristics that granulated rubber could bring to concrete. The research showed that there was potential for use of granulated rubber for increasing the freeze–thaw resistance of concrete as, under scaling conditions, fine granulated rubber provides similar performance to air-entrained concrete, but has the advantage of being an inert material suitable for use with all types of cement and concrete. The research also showed that granulated rubber leads to concrete with lower thermal conductivity, and that concrete with low U-values, suitable for use in floors and foundations, can be produced without the need for complementary insulation. Thus, there is now an opportunity for industry to develop granulated rubber concrete products that can be used on a commercial basis, which will facilitate sustainable urban development from both economic and environmental perspectives.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7-17
Number of pages11
JournalProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction Materials
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2010


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