Report 02: Parent/carer stress, work and child’s needs, reported child activity, communicating with friends and family living outside the household

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


COVID-19 has caused major disruptions to families’ lives, through social distancing, school closures and lock-down. This is also a rapidly changing situation where different pressures will arise for children, young people and their families over time. While research has provided valuable information about how parents can support their children’s mental health in general, we know little about what is most effective in the current, changing context. The Co-SPACE project (Iranian study) is tracking the mental health of schoolaged children and young people aged 4-18 years throughout the COVID-19 crisis. The study has full ethical and data protection approval (Young Researchers and Elite Club). The findings will help identify what protects children and young people from deteriorating mental health over time, and at particular stress points. Co-SPACE Iran is led by Mohsen Rajabi, at the University of Tehran. The study is linked to research of the Co-SPACE project, funded by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), led by Professor Cathy Creswell and Dr Polly Waite from the University of Oxford and is conducted in co-operation with University College London (UCL) and University of Leicester in the UK.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 10 Sept 2020


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