Removal of the Herbicide MCPA by Commercial Activated Carbons: Equilibrium, Kinetics, and Reversibility

Olga Gimeno, Pawel Plucinski, Stan T Kolaczkowski, Francisco J Rivas, Pedro M Alvarez

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60 Citations (SciVal)


Adsorption of the herbicide MCPA (4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid) was studied using 4 com. activated carbons (Norit 0.8, Aquacarb 207C, Aquacarb 208A, Aquacarb 208EA). Adsorption equil. isotherms were obtained at 293-358 K. The trend of MCPA adsorption onto these activated carbons was: Norit 0.8 > Aquacarb 207C > Aquacarb 208A > Aquacarb 208EA. Among various adsorption isotherm models, the Freundlich equation best fit the exptl. data. Expts. conducted at different temps. allowed calcn. of the isosteric heat of adsorption and showed adsorption was exothermic for 3 of the 4 carbons studied. Herbicide distribution in the activated C pores of Norit 0.8 was studied by considering the Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherm. Adsorption kinetics were assessed using a simplistic mechanism based on the shrinking-core mass-transfer model. As a preliminary step for the potential use of wet air oxidn. (WAO) to regenerate exhausted activated C, adsorption process reversibility was tested. Only partial desorption of MCPA was achieved under WAO conditions, which involved a likely double route of activated C regeneration, i.e., liq. and surface pollutant oxidn. [on SciFinder (R)]
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1076-1086
Number of pages11
JournalIndustrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2003


  • Water purification (adsorption
  • Oxidation (wet air
  • activated carbon
  • loaded activated carbon regeneration
  • wet air oxidn regeneration loaded com activated carbon
  • water purifn wastewater treatment MCPA adsorption removal activated carbon
  • and reversibility of dissolved MCPA adsorptive removal from water and wastewater using com. activated carbon)
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Ashes
  • equil.
  • Reaction kinetics (non-equil. adsorption
  • Particle size (com. activated carbon
  • Adsorption enthalpy (isosteric
  • equil kinetics reversibility MCPA removal com activated carbon adsorption
  • kinetics
  • com. activated carbon


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