Reflections on Seminar Attendance, Lecture Capture, and Other Factor Impacts on Postgraduate Student Performance

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There are several factors which may influence student (exam) performance, some of which have been investigated, though there is little consensus in the results. This paper uses the unusual context of a face-to-face taught postgraduate (rather than undergraduate) Business Economics module taken by students on a variety of different Business/Management orientated MSc programmes. It explores the impact of seminar (but not lecture) attendance, lecture recording views, Disability Access Plans (DAPs) for students with mental/physical disabilities/health-issues, and other factors including prior subject experience and attainment in formative coursework. We find performance is positively associated with seminar attendance and weakly, with moderate use of lecture recordings. Use of an interim Formative Assessment was positively associated with performance, and this association was stronger for students towards the middle of the grade distribution. Prior experience demonstrates no association with performance, and neither does a DAP, although this actually suggests that DAPs work as intended.
Original languageEnglish
JournalAdvances in Economics Education
Issue number1
Early online date22 Nov 2022
Publication statusPublished - 7 Feb 2023


  • Lecture Capture
  • Panopto
  • attendance
  • Disability Access Plans
  • Prior Experience
  • Formative Assessment
  • English Proficiency


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