Reconceptualising the subject-citizen of Bildung in a posthuman world: Rethinking the promise of higher education

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We are, according to Braidotti (2013) already living in a posthuman world and this has introduced a ‘qualitative shift in our thinking about what exactly is the basic unit of common reference for our species, our polity and our relationship to the other inhabitants of this planet.’ This chapter considers what this qualitative shift means in terms of reconceptualizing the subject-citizen of Bildung, and for rethinking the promise – that is, rethinking the aims and purpose – of higher education as a posthuman project. The central argument is a posthumanist reconceptualization of the subject-citizen of Bildung is an ethical-political project committed to combating all modes of inequality and aiming to promote more inclusive, socially just pedagogies in higher education.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRethinking Ethical-Political Education
EditorsTorill Strand
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 29 Jul 2020

Publication series

NameContemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education


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