Quantitative benefit assessment of electricity settlement using smart meters

Q. Ma, Minghao Xu, Ran Li, Furong Li

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter in a published conference proceeding

2 Citations (SciVal)


In the UK, the traditional settlement process aims to allocate customers' total electricity consumption into each half-hour slot based on the typical load profiles. However, the large difference between load profiles and the real energy consumption lead to the unfair and inaccurate electricity charges. In order to tackle this problem, the smart meter will be introduced and this paper, for the first time, accurately quantifies the improvement of using smart metering data in electricity settlement. The result shows that all of the customers are being mischarged with an average of 9.52 GBP overcharged and 10.34 GBP undercharged per household, which will be discussed in terms of potential causes and errors.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication13th International Conference on the European Energy Market EEM, 2016
ISBN (Print)9781509012978
Publication statusPublished - 25 Jul 2016
Event13th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 2016 - Porto, Portugal
Duration: 6 Jun 20169 Jun 2016


Conference13th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 2016


  • benefit
  • load profile
  • settlement
  • smart meters


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