Psychometric properties of a Korean version of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire in chronic pain patients

S. Cho, E.M. Heiby, L.M. McCracken, D.-E. Moon, J.-H. Lee

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Purpose: Accepting pain rather than trying to control it has been the focus of recent pain management research. Pain acceptance often has been assessed using the chronic pain acceptance questionnaire (CPAQ). This study aimed to evaluate the factor structure and other psychometric properties of a Korean language version of the CPAQ (KCPAQ). Methods: This study used two archival data sets collected over two different time periods at the same site in Korea, generating two samples (Total N = 361). Results: Exploratory factor analysis using sample 1 (N = 182) provided support for the same two-factor structure as the original English CPAQ. Confirmatory factor analysis using sample 2 (N = 179) demonstrated the adequacy of the two-factor model obtained from sample 1. Samples 1 and 2 were combined for the reliability and validity analyses. The results indicated that the KCPAQ has good internal consistency and test-retest stability. The KCPAQ was significantly correlated with pain intensity, pain-related anxiety, depressive symptoms, physical adjustment, and psychosocial adjustment. Conclusion: The KCPAQ has reliability and construct validity support for the measurement of pain acceptance in a Korean patient sample with chronic pain.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1059-1064
Number of pages6
JournalQuality of Life Research
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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