Promoting Governance, Strengthening Capacity: A Public Sector for Wealth & Job Creation

Nelson Oppong

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Since 2008, the impact of the global financial markets meltdown, often attributed to the downturn in subprime mortgage industry in advanced Western economies, have resulted in worldwide deterioration of living standards, mass unemployment and the collapse of various social programmes. In many developing countries, the crisis has disrupted modest economic gains and continues to undermine various attempts at securing sustainable wealth and jobs. Drawing from a critical reflection of the themes of governance and capacity development, and the concepts of “sustainable social protection systems” and “social dialogue” advanced by the International Labour Organisation, this paper explores various means by which the public sector could be strengthened to create wealth and employment amid the current economic crises. The paper challenges policy makers to meet mounting citizens’ expectations and various international and governmental commitments to commit to full employment and poverty reduction through state-driven interventions. It argues, among others, that without an effective and dynamic public sector that has the capacity to undertake constructive engagements with other private actors, a strong state may be unable to meet the expectations and promises of jobs and income growth. The analysis points to the need to blend traditional administrative tools with innovative techniques revolving around information communication technologies, public-private partnerships and best-fit inclusive governance processes for effective policy making to drive economic growth and full employment.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-25
JournalPartnership for Research in International Affairs & Development Policy Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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