Prediction of Reinforcement Effect by Screw on Triangular Embedment Perpendicular to the Grain with Variation of Screw Locations

Satoru Murakami, Akihisa Kitamori, Kiho Jung, Wen-Shao Chang, Kohei Komatsu

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In this study, the reinforcement by screws for the wood perpendicular to the grain subjected to a rotational moment has been studied. For the estimation of rotational stiffness and yield moment, the reinforcement effect by the screws which varies depending on their position under the bearing plate was evaluated by taking the internal displacement distribution of the wood into account. The Finite Element Analysis (FEA) was used to investigate the internal displacement distri-bution of the wood. Then an appropriate function was found out to meet well with various internal displacement distri-butions under the bearing plate. The equations, which can estimate rotational stiffness and yield moment of the bearing performance of the wood reinforced by screws, were derived from the shear resistance mechanism between the screw and wood by considering their relative displacement distribution. Then rotational tests were carried out with the wood reinforced by the screws, setting screw thread at the various positions. Agreements between prediction and experimental results were very well. It was found that the screw reinforcement was effective, provided screw length should be longer for the wood height.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)167-173
Number of pages7
JournalOpen Journal of Civil Engineering
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 14 Sept 2012


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