Prediction of capacity for moment redistribution in FRP-strengthened continuous RC T-beams

Abbas Tajaddini, Timothy Ibell, Antony Darby, Mark Evernden, Pedro Silva

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Due to the premature debonding of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) materials which results in a reduction in 14 ductility, the problem of how to exploit moment redistribution (MR) in FRP-strengthened continuous 15 reinforced concrete (RC) structures is still unresolved. To date, limited research has been conducted into MR 16 in such structures, so that a reliable and rigorous solution for quantifying MR throughout the loading cycle 17 remains elusive. This paper aims to quantify MR and predict the capacity at reasonable accuracy, to encourage 18 the use of FRP for the strengthening of existing continuous RC structures. Experiments conducted on twelve 19 continuous T-beams are reported, and the findings are discussed. Strengthening configuration and anchorage 20 scheme are the main variables. A new analytical strategy is described for quantifying MR, and the analytical 21 results are then validated against the experimental results. Both experimental and analytical results confirm 22 that there is no reason to restrict MR into strengthened zones. More importantly, MR out of FRP-strengthened 23 zones can indeed occur, provided that the FRP is sufficiently anchored, and reliable exploitation of this is now 24 possible.
Original languageEnglish
Article number04016066
Pages (from-to)1-13
Number of pages13
JournalASCE Journal of Composites for Construction
Issue number1
Early online date30 Jun 2016
Publication statusPublished - 28 Feb 2017


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