Power-scalable tunable UV, visible, and NIR generation from an ultrafast fiber OPA based on four wave mixing in PCF

M J Yarrow, William J Wadsworth, Laure Lavoute, J R Clowes, A B Grudinin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


An ultrafast fiber MOPA was developed which delivered high average power and rapid and continuous tunability over the range 1035 - 1070 nm. Through FWM in a single PCF, this source generated greater than 30% conversion efficiency to a narrow linewidth signal with tunability from 720 to 880 nm and a corresponding idler tunable from 1370 to 1880 nm. Generation of tunable signal SHG, signal-pump SFG, pump SHG and pump-idler SFG were demonstrated in a single angle tuned BBO crystal. The combined system enabled tunability over large portions of the UV, visible and NIR spectral range from 370 - 1900 nm with a very simple setup. There is scope for power scaling of the source and extending the wavelength coverage.
Original languageEnglish
Article number824005
JournalProceedings of the SPIE
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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