Planar temperature imaging using thermally assisted laser induced fluorescence of OH in a methane-air flame

Colin Copeland, Jacob Friedman, Metin Renksizbulut

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The present study seeks to demonstrate the use of vibrational thermallyassistedlaserinducedfluorescence of the hydroxyl radical to obtain planartemperature measurements. This technique utilizes a simple two-level vibrational model to describe the relationship between the population ratio of excited states and temperature. The quenching to vibrational transfer ratio between the excited states was used as a calibration parameter to fit the thermallyassistedfluorescence measurements to known temperature data. The measurements presented here are from a premixed methane–airflame. A rectangular shaped burner allowed for calibration and comparison of the thermallyassistedtemperature results with sodium line reversal data available in literature. Excellent agreement between the two approaches was achieved for three different equivalence ratios. A single calibration was sufficient for the range of conditions tested in the present work. Two detection schemes were also tested, the first using the (0–0) and (1–0) vibrational bands and the second substituting the (0–1) fluorescence in place of the (0–0) band. The weakness of the fluorescence signal from the (0–1) band was very restrictive to temperatureimaging with the current setup. Overall, the applicability of the thermallyassisted technique to temperatureimaging was positively demonstrated from this work.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)221-236
JournalExperimental Thermal and Fluid Science
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2007


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