Photoluminescence of single GaN/InGaN nanorod light emitting diode fabricated on a wafer scale

Christopher C. S. Chan, Yiding Zhuang, Benjamin P. L. Reid, Wei Jia, Mark J. Holmes, Jack A. Alexander-webber, Shingo Nakazawa, Philip A. Shields, Duncan W. E. Allsopp, Robert A. Taylor

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4 Citations (SciVal)


Nanorod arrays were fabricated on a blue InGaN/GaN single quantum well (QW) LED wafer using nanoimprint lithography. A regular hexagonal lattice of nanorods was made at a pitch of 2 µm producing single quantum disks in the nanorods with diameter of ∼400 nm. Time integrated micro-photoluminescence was performed to investigate the emission properties of top down processed single nanorods at 4.2 K. Micro-photoluminescence maps were made to study the spatial isolation of the photoluminescence emission, showing a good contrast ratio between nanorods. Excitation power dependent studies show screening of the quantum confined Stark effect for both the unprocessed wafer and the single nanorod. At low excitation powers, localised states appearing as sharp peaks in the photoluminescence spectrum were visible with a density of approximately four peaks per nanorod.
Original languageEnglish
Article number08JE20
Number of pages4
JournalJapanese Journal of Applied Physics
Issue numberNo 8, Part 2
Early online date20 Jun 2013
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2013


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