Photoelectrochemical transients for chlorine/hypochlorite formation at "roll-on" nano-WO3 film electrodes

S. Ahmed, I.A.I. Hassan, H. Roy, F. Marken

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Commercial nano-WO3 (10-100 nm average particle size) is dispersed in n-hexanol and applied to tin-doped indium oxide (ITO) substrates in a simple "roll-on" process. As-deposited and annealed (500 °C) films are compared and shown to be photoactive for the formation of hypochlorite in neutral aqueous NaCl (e.g., seawater). Annealing at 500 °C in air improves photocurrents most likely due to improved interparticle charge transport (e.g., removal of hydration or n-hexanol surface layers). In phototransients (interpreted here in the limiting case of a weakly associated nanoparticle aggregate as opposed to the limiting case of a single-crystal semiconductor), evidence for the presence of both holes (as O(-I), fast moving) and electrons (as W(V), slow moving) is obtained in particular in as-deposited films. Bipotentiostat experiments reveal the presence of chlorine as a reaction intermediate close to the photoanode when immersed in 3 M NaCl. A "molecular conduit" effect with adsorbed Co(II/III) sepulchrate is observed to significantly enhance the photocurrents at as-deposited electrodes (but not at annealed electrodes).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7005-7012
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry C
Issue number14
Early online date13 Mar 2013
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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