Phase transition in a periodic tubular structure

Alexander V. Kiselev, Kirill Ryadovkin

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We consider an ε-periodic (ε→0) tubular structure, modelled as a magnetic Laplacian on a metric graph, which is periodic along a single axis. We show that the corresponding Hamiltonian admits norm-resolvent convergence to an ODE on R which is fourth order at a discrete set of values of the magnetic potential (\emph{critical points}) and second-order generically. In a vicinity of critical points we establish a mixed-order asymptotics. The rate of convergence is also estimated. This represents a physically viable model of a phase transition as the strength of the (constant) magnetic field increases.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2 Mar 2023

Bibliographical note

2 figures; builds upon 1510.03364 and 1805.00884


  • math-ph
  • math.MP
  • math.SP
  • 34E13, 34E05, 35P20, 47A20, 81Q35


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