Perceptions of cigarette pack inserts promoting cessation and dissuasive cigarettes among young adult smokers in the UK: a cross-sectional online survey

Crawford S. Moodie, Rosemary Hiscock, Jim Thrasher, Garth Reid

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12 Citations (SciVal)


OBJECTIVES: To explore young adult smokers' perceptions of cigarette pack inserts promoting cessation and cigarettes designed to be dissuasive. DESIGN: Cross-sectional online survey.UK. PARTICIPANTS: The final sample was 1766 young adult smokers, with 50.3% male and 71.6% white British. To meet the inclusion criteria, participants had to be 16-34 years old and smoke factory-made cigarettes. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Salience of inserts, perceptions of inserts as information provision, perceptions of inserts on quitting, support for inserts and perceived appeal, harm and trial of three cigarettes (a standard cigarette, a standard cigarette displaying the warning 'Smoking kills' and a green cigarette). RESULTS: Half the sample indicated that they would read inserts with three-fifths indicating that they are a good way to provide information about quitting (61%). Just over half indicated that inserts would make them think more about quitting (53%), help if they decided to quit (52%), are an effective way of encouraging smokers to quit (53%) and supported having them in all packs (55%). Participants who smoked factory-made cigarettes and other tobacco products (compared with exclusive factory-made cigarette smokers), had made a quit attempt within the last 6 months (compared with those that had never made a quit attempt) or were likely to make a successful quit attempt in the next 6 months (compared with those unlikely to make a quit attempt in the next 6 months) were more likely to indicate that inserts could assist with cessation. Multivariable logistic regression modelling suggested that compared with the standard cigarette, the cigarette with warning (adjusted OR=17.71; 95% CI 13.75 to 22.80) and green cigarette (adjusted OR=30.88; 95% CI 23.98 to 39.76) were much less desirable (less appealing, more harmful and less likely to be tried). CONCLUSIONS: Inserts and dissuasive cigarettes offer policy makers additional ways of using the pack to reduce smoking.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere019662
JournalBMJ Open
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 5 Sept 2018


  • cigarettes
  • inserts
  • packaging
  • smoking

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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