Peptide cargo tunes a network of correlated motions in human leucocyte antigens

Jade R Hopkins, Rory M Crean, Dragana A M Catici, Andrew K Sewell, Vickery L Arcus, Marc W Van der Kamp, David K Cole, Christopher R Pudney

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6 Citations (SciVal)


Most biomolecular interactions are typically thought to increase the (local) rigidity of a complex, for example, in drug-target binding. However, detailed analysis of specific biomolecular complexes can reveal a more subtle interplay between binding and rigidity. Here, we focussed on the human leucocyte antigen (HLA), which plays a crucial role in the adaptive immune system by presenting peptides for recognition by the αβ T-cell receptor (TCR). The role that the peptide plays in tuning HLA flexibility during TCR recognition is potentially crucial in determining the functional outcome of an immune response, with obvious relevance to the growing list of immunotherapies that target the T-cell compartment. We have applied high-pressure/temperature perturbation experiments, combined with molecular dynamics simulations, to explore the drivers that affect molecular flexibility for a series of different peptide–HLA complexes. We find that different peptide sequences affect peptide–HLA flexibility in different ways, with the peptide cargo tuning a network of correlated motions throughout the pHLA complex, including in areas remote from the peptide-binding interface, in a manner that could influence T-cell antigen discrimination.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3777-3793
Number of pages17
JournalFEBS Journal
Issue number17
Early online date5 Mar 2020
Publication statusPublished - 7 Sept 2020

Bibliographical note

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


JRH?s PhD studentship is funded by the MRC (MR/N013794/1). RMC?s PhD studentship is funded by the EPSRC. AKS is a Wellcome Senior Investigator (WT100327MA). MWvdK is a BBSRC David Phillips Fellow (BB/M026280/1). DKC was a Wellcome Career Development Fellow (WT095767). This research made use of the Balena High-Performance Computing (HPC) Service at the University of Bath as well as the computational facilities of the Advanced Computing Research Centre of the University of Bristol.


  • T-cell receptor
  • allostery
  • molecular dynamics
  • peptide–human leucocyte antigen
  • protein flexibility

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Biochemistry
  • Molecular Biology
  • Cell Biology


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