Patients participate! Literature review: Usability and human factors in citizen science projects, and trust and credibility on the Web

Monica Duke, Emma Tonkin

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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    This review was written for the Patients Participate! Project. The Patients Participate! Project is a 7-­‐month feasibility study to investigate bridging the gap between information access and understanding. Specifically, the project wanted to explore whether lay summaries can assist in the wider understanding of health-­‐ related information and whether the crowd-­‐sourced lay summary is a feasible mass-­‐ production model. This review examines human factors as reported in the literature for projects using citizen and human factors applied to user trust and perception of the credibility of web sites and content, in order to identify factors that could contribute to the feasibility study.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationBath
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2012


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