Opportunities for the integrated use of measurements and computations for the understanding of delta wing aerodynamics

I Gursul, M R Allan, K J Badcock

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27 Citations (SciVal)


This paper considers the current status of delta wing research from the point of view of the potential for using joint experimental and computational studies to advance the subject. After a brief review of the available measurement and numerical methods, delta wing phenomena are considered in the following categories: shear layer instabilities, vortex breakdown, vortex interactions, non-slender vortices, multiple vortices, manoeuvring wing vortices and vortex/flexible wing interaction. It is concluded that CFD can be very valuable to guide the type and location of experimental data collected and to enhance the understanding of the data. Currently CFD requires more extensive datasets which include boundary layer and flowfield information, and which ideally combine different types of data. (c) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)181-189
Number of pages9
JournalAerospace Science and Technology
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2005

Bibliographical note

ID number: ISI:000228745100001


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