Open Metrics for Open Repositories

Brian Kelly, Nick Sheppard, Jenny Delasalle, Mark Dewey, Owens Stephens, Gareth Johnson, Stephanie Taylor

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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    Increasingly there is a need for quantitative evidence in order to help demonstrate the value of online services. Such evidence can also help to detect emerging patterns of usage and identify associated operational best practice. This paper seeks to initiate a discussion on approaches to metrics for institutional repositories by providing a high-level overview of the benefits of metrics for a variety of stakeholders. The paper outlines the potential benefits which can be gained from providing richer statistics related to the use of institutional repositories and also reviews related work in this area. The authors describe a JISC-funded project which harvested a large number of repositories in order to identify patterns of use of metadata attributes and summarise the key findings. The paper provides a case study which reviews plans to provide a richer set of statistics within one institutional repository as well as requirements from the researcher community. An example of how third-party aggregation services may provide metrics on behalf of the repository community is given. The authors conclude with a call for repository managers, developers and policy makers to be pro-active in providing open access to metrics for open repositories.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 9 Jul 2012
    EventOR2012: the 7th International Conference on Open Repositories - Edinburgh, Scotland
    Duration: 9 Jul 201213 Jul 2012


    ConferenceOR2012: the 7th International Conference on Open Repositories
    CityEdinburgh, Scotland


    • metrics


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