On mechanical behavior of traditional timber shear wall in Taiwan II: simplified calculation and experimental verification

Wen Shao Chang, Min Fu Hsu, Kohei Komatsu, Wei Jye Chen

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17 Citations (SciVal)


In the previous report of this ongoing study, results of an extensive field survey were collated and a theoretical model was proposed to predict the mechanical behavior of timber shear walls of traditional design in Taiwan. The initial objective of the present report was to propose a simplified calculation method for estimating the initial stiffness and yield strength of traditional timber shear walls. Based on the results of the field survey, a total of 15 full-scale specimens were tested to verify the theoretical model and simplified calculation proposed previously. Good agreement was found from comparison of analytical and experimental results. The results of this study show that the friction behavior between board units and beams plays the major role in resisting the lateral force applied on the timber shear wall, followed by the resistance supplied by embedment. The resistance provided by bamboo nails is minor due to the small section. Another trend found was that for set dimensions of a timber shear wall, the board width can be increased to obtain higher stiffness and strength of the shear wall.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)24-30
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Wood Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • Yield stress
  • Timber
  • Mathematical models
  • Stiffness
  • Shear walls


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