Numerical analysis of the settlement induced damage to Palazzo Loggia in Brescia

Giorgia Giardina, Max A N Hendriks, Jan G. Rots, Alessandra Marini

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter in a published conference proceeding


One of the main causes of failure of historic buildings is represented by the differential settlements of foundations. Finite element analysis provides a useful tool for predicting the consequences of given ground displacements in terms of structural damage and also assesses the need of strengthening techniques. The actual damage classification for buildings subject to settlement bases the assessment of the potential damage on the expected crack pattern of the structure. In this paper, the correlation between the physical description of the damage in terms of crack width and the interpretation of the finite element analysis output is analyzed. Different discrete and continuum crack models are applied to simulate an experiment carried on a scale model of a masonry historical building, the Loggia Palace in Brescia (Italy). Results are discussed and a modified version of the fixed total strain smeared crack model is evaluated, in order to solve the problem related to the calculation of the exact crack width.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication8th International Masonry Conference
EditorsW Jager, B A Haseltine, A Fried
Place of PublicationDresden, Germany
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • Finite element analysis
  • Historic building
  • Differential settlements


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