Numerical analysis of the current and voltage sharing issues for resistive fault current limiter using YBCO coated conductors

Z Hong, Z Jin, M Ainslie, J Sheng, Weijia Yuan, T A Coombs

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17 Citations (SciVal)


YBaCuO-coated conductors offer great potential in terms of performance and cost-saving for superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL). A resistive SFCL based on coated conductors can be made from several tapes connected in parallel or in series. Ideally, the current and voltage are shared uniformly by the tapes when quench occurs. However, due to the non-uniformity of property of the tapes and the relative positions of the tapes, the currents and the voltages of the tapes are different. In this paper, a numerical model is developed to investigate the current and voltage sharing problem for the resistive SFCL. This model is able to simulate the dynamic response of YBCO tapes in normal and quench conditions. Firstly, four tapes with different Jc 's and n values in E-J power law are connected in parallel to carry the fault current. The model demonstrates how the currents are distributed among the four tapes. These four tapes are then connected in series to withstand the line voltage. In this case, the model investigates the voltage sharing between the tapes. Several factors that would affect the process of quenches are discussed including the field dependency of Jc, the magnetic coupling between the tapes and the relative positions of the tapes.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1198-1201
Number of pages4
JournalIEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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