Novel self-healing systems: Expanding and inhibited healing agents

S. I. Rae, I. P. Bond, R. S. Trask, D. F. Wass

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter in a published conference proceeding

1 Citation (SciVal)


A new approach to self-healing systems is presented that aims to overcome the inherent drawbacks of conventional liquid resin based healing systems within composites. Finite embedded systems offer limited healing potential for small volume delaminations and as such cannot effectively heal large damage volumes often associated with shear damaged sandwich panel structures or debonding between skin and core. An expanding polymer based approach aims to overcome such limitations. The mechanical and physical properties of a prepared polyepoxide foam are investigated and how the inclusion of a carbon fibre reinforcement within the foam affects processability and performance. The healing efficiency of different polymer foams to heal damaged structures is also investigated. A secondary investigation is also presented that aimed to overcome the drawbacks associated with the requirement for stoichiometric mixing of two part healing agents, or for healing agent to come into direct contact with a catalyst embedded within the matrix material. Different approaches were taken to develop a self-healing system that once deployed required no additional mixing or stimuli for healing to occur.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationASME 2014 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, SMASIS 2014
PublisherAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
ISBN (Print)9780791846148
Publication statusPublished - 2014
EventASME 2014 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, SMASIS 2014 - Newport, USA United States
Duration: 8 Sept 201410 Sept 2014


ConferenceASME 2014 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, SMASIS 2014
Country/TerritoryUSA United States

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Biomaterials
  • Civil and Structural Engineering


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