No Longer a Last Resort:A Review of the Remote Programming Landscape

Integrity Research and Consultancy and Axiom Monitoring & Evaluation

Research output: Working paper / PreprintWorking paper


A team from Integrity Research and Consultancy and Axiom Monitoring & Evaluation conducted a cross-cutting evaluation of DFID's remote management approaches in Somalia and North- East Kenya from June to November 2014. This working paper is based on the literature review conducted as part of this evaluation. It presents an overview and analysis of academic and policy literature on remote delivery of humanitarian aid and development assistance in fragile and conflict-affected states. First, the paper provides an introduction and background to remote programming, then outlines the various types of remote programming modalities. The final section outlines the main lessons learned and best practices as identified in the literature.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2015


  • remote management
  • humanitarian aid
  • somalia
  • Kenya
  • DFID


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