Negotiating within the middle culture: Intercultural competences in postgraduate studies in the UK

James Mckinley, Katie Dunworth, Trevor Grimshaw, Janina Iwaniec

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This paper reports on a project that explored experiences and perceptions of the development of intercultural competence in a UK higher education context. Staff and students in all four major discipline areas at the university were recruited for preliminary interviews (two staff from each faculty), focus groups (students of these staff), and stimulated recall interviews (same staff). The project targeted the tensions and issues occurring between the perspectives of participants in the ‘middle culture’, particularly focusing on performance and negotiation of identities in the ‘third space’. The project raised significant implications for policies and practices regarding intercultural competence development.
Original languageEnglish
JournalLanguage and Intercultural Communication
Publication statusAcceptance date - 25 Nov 2018


  • middle culture
  • third space
  • sphere of interculturality
  • critical cosmopolitanism
  • internationalised higher education


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