Music Festivals: How are people encouraged to be mindful in their uses of finite resources and not waste water? Where does water go after use?

Eleni Tracada, Kemi Adeyeye

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter in a published conference proceeding


During the last few months, People and Communities Technical Committee in Water Efficiency network has been interested in and selected specific case studies to be proposed for further analysis and discussion by members of this committee. Most members decided to bring to the attention of the committee one case study for further development. Some case studies, such as, for example, ‘Water and its use by people at a music festival’ appeared to
be triggering further investigation from members of the committee with the potential to become new and original research projects; this particular case study is going to be analysed through videos to be produced on the occasion of next Reading Festival. Organised by Festival Republic (FR), this annual event is held over the August Bank Holiday weekend.
Thus, this paper intends to discuss some large performance venues and sites’ planning and organisation on methods and solutions having an immediate impact to people’s behaviours in relation to the uses of water and the impact to the environment through water management.
The researchers and members of this technical group wish to understand how organisers can plan water uses, how they may be contributing to specific guidance of the public by introducing specific guides on water management at outdoor events and by also creating plans to overcome some unexpected outcomes of overflows or failure of provision at times.
The team working on this project hopes to get some detailed overview on water and its use by people during these events; they hope to be able to do some recommendations and draw some important conclusions at the end. Amongst other relevant outcomes the research team is hoping to help organisers to develop useful guides for the public and enhance the people’s awareness on the water uses and management. The organisers and the audience should be
able to build confidence and joint support also in extreme cases when something could happen unexpectedly, such as failure to drainage or supply systems. They should be able to be putting on place a relevant plan of emergency and this could be feasible by contributing to important reports in progress, such as, for example, ‘The show must go on’ report. By
documenting this coming event via filming the team hopes to create a freely available resource that demonstrates globally how people interact with water, a precious and essential source. Whenever possible the team aims to show how water can be used carefully, mindfully and efficiently during large size events, such as music festivals through their chosen case study in the UK. A short video will be shown during the Conference as well.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWater Efficiency Conference 2016
Subtitle of host publicationWatefcon 216
Place of PublicationUniversity of Bath
PagesDigital output
Publication statusPublished - 9 Sept 2016


  • User behaviour
  • water management
  • water use
  • festivals


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