Molecular dating of the teleost whole genome duplication (3R) is compatible with the expectations of delayed rediploidization

Minbo Qi, James W Clark, Edmund RR Moody, Davide Pisani, Philip CJ Donoghue

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (SciVal)


Vertebrate evolution has been punctuated by three whole genome duplication events that have been implicated causally in phenotypic evolution, from the origin of phenotypic novelties to explosive diversification. Arguably, the most dramatic of these is the 3R whole genome duplication event associated with the origin of teleost fishes which comprise more than half of all living vertebrate species. However, tests of a causal relationship between whole genome duplication and teleost diversification have proven difficult due to the challenge of establishing the timing of these phenomena. Here we show, based on molecular clock dating of concatenated gene alignments, that the 3R whole genome duplication event occurred in the early-middle Permian (286.18 to 267.20 million years ago; Ma), 52.02 to 12.84 million years (Myr) before the divergence of crown-teleosts in the latest Permian-earliest Late Triassic (254.36 to 234.16 Ma) and long before the major pulses of teleost diversification in Ostariophysi and Percomorpha (56.37 to 100.17 Myr and at least 139.24 to 183.29 Myr later, respectively). The extent of this temporal gap between putative cause and effect precludes 3R as a deterministic driver of teleost diversification. However, these age constraints remain compatible with the expectations of a prolonged rediploidization process following whole genome duplication which, through the effects of chromosome rearrangement and gene loss, remains a viable mechanism to explain the evolution of teleost novelties and diversification.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberevae128
JournalGenome biology and evolution
Issue number7
Early online date24 Jun 2024
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2024


We thank the Bristol HPC team, Sandra \u00C1lvarez-Carretero, Matt Friedman (U Michigan), and Qingyi Tian (NJU) for the discussion.


This research was supported by the China Scholarship Council (to M.Q.), the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/T012773/1 to P.C.J.D.), the John Templeton Foundation (JTF 62220 to P.C.J.D. and D.P.), and the Leverhulme Trust (RF-2022-167 to P.C.J.D.)

FundersFunder number
China Scholarship Council
Qingyi Tian
Bristol HPC
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research CouncilBB/T012773/1
John Templeton FoundationJTF 62220
Leverhulme TrustRF-2022-167


  • delayed rediploidization
  • molecular clock dating
  • teleost diversification
  • whole genome duplication

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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