Modulation of Quantum Well Optical Properties by Illumination above the Barrier Bandgap

A V Koudinov, Y G Kusrayev, L C Smith, J J Davies, Daniel Wolverson, M Wiater, G Karczewski, T Wojtowicz

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The spin-flip Raman scattering signals associated with the Mn-2+ 3d(5) electrons in a range of CdTe-based dilute magnetic semiconductor quantum well structures is shown to be sensitive to even very weak above-barrier illumination, as are the quantum-well photoluminescence from exciton and trion recombination and acoustic phonon Raman scattering signals excited in resonance with the quantum well. This surprising degree of sensitivity is discussed in terms of the modulation of the carrier densities in the quantum wells, leading to a modulation of the resonant intermediate state for Raman scattering and, therefore, of the scattering cross section. Depending on the majority intrinsic carrier type in the quantum wells, we show that either enhancing or quenching of the Raman signals can result.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2007
Event13th International Conference on II-VI Compounds - Jeju City, South Korea
Duration: 10 Sept 200714 Sept 2007


Conference13th International Conference on II-VI Compounds
CityJeju City, South Korea


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