Modelling ion motion in perovskite films

Simon O'Kane, Jamie Foster, James Cave, Nicola Courtier, Giles Richardson, Alison Walker

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There are two main methods for modelling the electronic properties of perovskite devices. Drift-diffusion modelling [1,2,3] works by solving differential equations, while equivalent circuit modelling [4,5] works by treating different parts of the device as electrical components. This work focuses on drift-diffusion modelling.

Most drift-diffusion models of perovskite use finite-difference methods [1,3], which solve the differential equations at equally-spaced grid points. These models have achieved a valuable qualitative description of the influence of ion motion on the electrical characteristics of perovskite solar cells. However, in order to relate the model predictions to microscopic material properties, a more quantitative model is required.

We use a hybrid model [2] where an asymptotic approximation is used to model the accumulation of ionic charge at the interfaces between materials. The charge accumulation, which is a function of time, is then input into a second model, in which the electron and hole concentrations across the film are expressed as a sum of Chebyshev polynomials using the MATLAB add-on module Chebfun. [6]

In this work, the ability of different drift-diffusion modelling methods to reproduce experimental current-voltage measurements quantitatively is compared.

[1] S. van Reenen, M. Kemerink and H. J. Snaith, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2015), Vol. 6, 1511-1515
[2] G. Richardson et al, Energy Environ. Sci. (2016), Vol 9, 1476-1485
[3] P. Calado et al., arXiv (2016),
[4] A. Pockett et al., J. Phys. Chem. C. (2015), Vol. 119, 3456-3465
[5] L. Cojocaru et al., Chem. Lett. (2015), Vol. 44, 1750-1752
[6] T. A. Driscoll, N. Hale and L. N. Trefethen, Chebfun Guide (2015)
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 26 Sept 2016
Event2nd International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics - Palazzo Ducale, Genova, Italy
Duration: 26 Sept 201628 Sept 2016


Conference2nd International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics
Abbreviated titlePSCO 2016
Internet address


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