Metodologia para valorar los costes de los impactos del cambio climatico (Methodology for costing the impacts of climate change)

A Markandya, A Hunt, R Boyd, T Taylor

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Considering the importance to adapt with the climate change, it results surprising the fact that little reflection was dedicated to the development of the measures of valuation of the different options of adaptation. No matter the measures that we take to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions effect, it is inevitable that some impacts of the climatic change can occur. This paper is a first attempt to present a methodology able to value the costs of the impacts of the climatic changes. It is based on the elaborated study set for the United Kingdom Climatic Impacts Program. In addition to that, the study is being promoted among the agents so that they can use it when taking strategic decisions about the adaptation of the climatic change. The methodology centers on the fundamental techniques of costs valuation, which were developed at the environmental economy level.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)164-215
Number of pages52
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2004


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