Metadata for digital preservation: a review of recent developments

Michael Day

    Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter or section

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    This paper is a review of recent developments relating to digital preservation metadata. It introduces the digital preservation problem and notes the importance of metadata for all proposed preservation strategies. The paper reviews some developments in the archives and records domain, describes the taxonomy of information object classes defined by the Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS) and outlines some library-based projects.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationResearch and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 5th European Conference, ECDL 2001, Darmstadt, Germany, September 4-9, 2001. Proceedings
    EditorsP Constantopoulos, I T Sølvberg
    Number of pages12
    ISBN (Print)978-3-540-42537-3
    Publication statusPublished - 2001

    Publication series

    NameLecture Notes in Computer Science


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