Measuring the impact values of public engagement in medical contexts

Richard Watermeyer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Citations (SciVal)


This article considers the impact values attributed to public engagement with science and technology (PEST) as articulated by a cohort of U.K.-based medical researchers (n = 84) within a partially open-ended survey. Two discrete yet interlinking impact categories emerge—impact of PEST on researchers and the research process and impact of PEST on the public image and reputation of research/researchers. These accounts reveal a limited sentiment among medical researchers for PEST envisaged as “upstream” and leading to public/patient collaboration and suggest that PEST is encouraged more frequently in the promotion and defense of medical science within the public sphere.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)752-775
Number of pages23
JournalScience Communication
Issue number6
Early online date22 Mar 2012
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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