MA TEFL programmes in Iran: Change in a globalised era

Parvaneh Tavakoli, Mostafa Hasrati

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter or section


This chapter is a modest attempt to investigate how MA Teaching English as a
Foreign Language (TEFL) programmes in Iran are changing in a globalised world.
Our previous research in this area (Hasrati and Tavakoli, in print; Tavakoli and
Hasrati, in preparation) has shown how MAs in English language teaching
programmes are developing in Anglophone countries, but little or no research
has been conducted to study changes in MA TEFL programmes in Iran. In what
follows, we will first introduce MA TEFL programmes in Iran, before presenting
and discussing different definitions of globalisation. We will then explain how we collected the data for this study and report our findings, making comparisons with the other contexts when appropriate. We will conclude by elaborating on possible extensions of this study in similar contexts.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEnglish language teaching in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Subtitle of host publicationInnovations, trends and challenges
EditorsChris Kennedy
PublisherBritish Council
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)9780863557699
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2015


  • Iran, ELT,


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