Low leakage current, enhanced energy storage, and fatigue endurance in room-temperature deposited (Pb0.93La0.07)(Zr0.82Ti0.18)O3 thick films

Ajeet Kumar, G Lee, A Thakre, DR Patil, G Han, Jungho Ryu

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6 Citations (SciVal)


This study reports the fabrication of manganese (Mn) doped antiferroelectric (AFE) thick films (thickness of ~ 2 μm) of (Pb0.93La0.07)(Zr0.82Ti0.18)O3 (PLZT 7/82/18) at room temperature using aerosol deposition (AD) technique without any additional thermal treatment. The Mn-doped PLZT 7/82/18 AD thick films demonstrate excellent energy storage and electrical properties despite being fabricated at room temperature. The dielectric properties of the PLZT AD thick films were investigated across a frequency range of 100 Hz–1 MHz and a temperature range of 25–250 oC. The Mn-doped PLZT AD thick films exhibit a dielectric constant of ~ 108, low dielectric loss of 0.0211, and high-temperature stability of ~ 5.5% (from 1 kHz to 1 MHz). The bipolar P-E and I-E hysteresis loops of the PLZT AD thick films do not show an AFE behavior, however, resemble the paraelectric/dielectric type of loops. The Mn-doped PLZT AD thick films exhibit high dielectric breakdown strength (DBS) of ~ 5420 kV/cm, energy-storage density (ESD) of ~ 38.7 W/cm3, with high energy efficiency of ~ 71%. Additionally, the Mn-doped PLZT AD thick films demonstrate a low leakage current and excellent fatigue properties, as indicated by the obtained polarization, DBS, ESD, and energy efficiency after 108 cycles.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)979-989
JournalJournal of the Korean Ceramic Society
Early online date19 Sept 2023
Publication statusPublished - 19 Sept 2023


This study was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2023R1A2C200586411 and 2021K2A9A2A06039139) and by the Industrial Innovation Talent Growth Project of the Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy funded by Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (#P0023676, Expert Program for Sustainable Metals Industry).


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