Low dietary iron intake restrains the intestinal inflammatory response and pathology of enteric infection by food-borne bacterial pathogens

Guus A M Kortman, Michelle L. M Mulder, Thijs J W Richters, Nanda K N Shanmugam, Estela Trebicka, Jos Boekhorst, Harro M. Timmerman, Rian Roelofs, Erwin T. Wiegerinck, Coby M. Laarakkers, Dorine W. Swinkels, Albert Bolhuis, Bobby J. Cherayil, Harold Tjalsma

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Orally administrated iron is suspected to increase susceptibility to enteric infections among children in infection endemic regions. Here we investigated the effect of dietary iron on the pathology and local immune responses in intestinal infection models. Mice were held on iron-deficient, normal iron, or high iron diets and after 2 weeks they were orally challenged with the pathogen Citrobacter rodentium. Microbiome analysis by pyrosequencing revealed profound iron- and infection-induced shifts in microbiota composition. Fecal levels of the innate defensive molecules and markers of inflammation lipocalin-2 and calprotectin were not influenced by dietary iron intervention alone, but were markedly lower in mice on the iron-deficient diet after infection. Next, mice on the iron-deficient diet tended to gain more weight and to have a lower grade of colon pathology. Furthermore, survival of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans infected with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium was prolonged after iron deprivation. Together, these data show that iron limitation restricts disease pathology upon bacterial infection. However, our data also showed decreased intestinal inflammatory responses of mice fed on high iron diets. Thus additionally, our study indicates that the effects of iron on processes at the intestinal host-pathogen interface may highly depend on host iron status, immune status, and gut microbiota composition.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2553-2567
Number of pages13
JournalEuropean Journal of Immunology
Issue number9
Early online date23 Jun 2015
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2015


  • Caenorhabditis elegans
  • Gut microbiome
  • Intestinal pathogens
  • Iron supplementation
  • Lipocalin-2


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